Hello fellow bloggers! I am excited to start my very own craft/home decor/organization/cooking/whateverelseshowsuponhere blog! I have been reading other blogs for a few weeks now, and man, you all are inspiring! I can't wait to join the craft/home blog community! For my first post, I thought I'd share a little about myself!
About Michelle:
1. My husband, Brad, is my very best friend and I have never had so much fun with anyone else..ever! We were married on October 25, 2008. We started dating in September of 2007, were engaged in May 2008, and married 5 months later! Reading this, it sounds like it happened so quickly, but I can't imagine it any other way! Here are a few pics from our big day:

2. People think we look waaaay younger (okay, maybe not waaay younger) than we are! I just turned 24 this past week and Brad, being exactly 3 years and 11 months older to the day, will be 28 next month. We get our ID's checked way too often and it gets old hearing "You'll appreciate it when you're older!" Hopefully they're right!
3. My parents are antique dealers. This means that every road trip as a child was littered with stops at antique shops, flea markets, and Goodwill. I'm pretty sure my dad has never seen a garage sale and not stopped. I used to think it took 13 hours to get to my grandparents' house; turns out it only takes 9 if you don't stop at all those antique shops! Now I enjoy going to thrift stores and garage sales with good old dad. If you want to see what a thrifty antique dealer's garage looks like I could show you a picture (but my mom would kill me!)
4. I was born and raised in Rochester, MN and now live 2 hours west, still in MN. This means that, sadly, our garage sale season is very short! I really extremely dislike the cold and snow is nice for awhile, but so far this year my car has been stuck seven times! That's a lot of shoveling under the tires.
5. Brad bought a sweet (extremely hyper) Boston Terrier puppy a few months before we started dating. I adopted a naughty (but sweet) Miniature Pinscher from a shelter one month before we started dating. So now we have two hyper, naughty, but sweet dogs that live with us. The Boston is Deuce (it was his second dog) and I named the minpin Morneau after the greatest baseball player of all time, the Minnesota Twin's firstbaseman Justin Morneau.
The boys:
They are our 'children' for now, but we can't wait to start a family (in a couple of years).
6. We will have lived in our home for one year on April 1. We got a steal of a deal on it (thank you economy and insider information on how desperate the seller was). We love it and I have so much fun planning on what to do in every room! This is the front the day we moved in, the garage comes off of the right side.
7. Finally, few more things I love/enjoy/or can't live without: our families, good friends, country music, the Minnesota Twins, a Mountain Dew in the morning, going to my parents cabin, fishing, and boating, hiking and biking with Brad, watermelon, pretending/trying to be organized, warm weather, and of course, crafting and decorating! Can't wait to start sharing with all of you!